Okay kiddo, so you remember how magnets have a North Pole and a South Pole, right? Well, imagine if we could make a material that had places where it had a North Pole and a South Pole that alternate, like a pattern. That's what periodic poling is all about!
In more grown-up words, periodic poling is a technique for creating a pattern of alternating regions with opposite electrical charges in a material. This is done by applying an electric field to the material in a particular way, using a special kind of crystal.
What's really cool is that when light travels through a material with this kind of pattern, it can actually get "bent" or redirected in different ways depending on the angle it hits the material. This can be really useful for things like making lasers, because it allows us to "tune" the wavelength of the laser light to exactly the right frequency.
So that's periodic poling for you, in a nutshell. It's all about creating a special pattern of electrical charges in a material to manipulate light in really interesting ways!