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Perpetual Virginity of Mary

The perpetual virginity of Mary means that she remained a virgin her entire life, even after giving birth to Jesus. This belief is held by some Christian denominations, including the Roman Catholic Church.

When Mary was a young woman, the angel Gabriel appeared to her and told her she would give birth to a son who would be called Jesus, the Son of God. Mary was engaged to Joseph, but had not yet been married, so she asked the angel how this could be. The angel explained that the Holy Spirit would come upon her, and she would conceive a child without having relations with a man.

Mary eventually gave birth to Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem. According to the Bible, Joseph and Mary had no sexual relations until after Jesus was born. This is seen as evidence for Mary's perpetual virginity, as she never had children with Joseph or anyone else after giving birth to Jesus.

The belief in Mary's perpetual virginity is rooted in the idea that she was set apart as a vessel for carrying and giving birth to the Son of God. Some Christians believe that her continued virginity is a sign of her devotion to God and her special role as the mother of Jesus.

While not all Christians agree with the doctrine of Mary's perpetual virginity, it is an important part of Catholic teaching and devotion. Mary is considered to be a powerful intercessor and a model of faith and obedience, and her virginity is seen as a symbol of her purity and holiness.