ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let's talk about perspective-n-point! Imagine you're looking at a big building and you want to draw a picture of it. But if you just draw what you see, it might not look right because things that are closer to you look bigger than things that are farther away. That's where perspective-n-point comes in!

When you draw something in perspective, it means that you make stuff that's farther away look smaller than stuff that's closer. You do this by using something called a horizon line, which is like an imaginary line for where the sky meets the ground. You also use something called a vanishing point, which is a point on the horizon where all the lines in your drawing seem to meet.

When you draw something using perspective-n-point, you can make it look more realistic and like it's really popping out of the page! So next time you draw a picture of a big building or a cityscape, try using perspective-n-point to make it look super cool and realistic.