ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so imagine you have a toy box full of all your favorite toys. Now, let's say you want to organize your toys into different groups based on their similarities. Maybe you put all your dolls together in one group, your cars and trucks in another, and your stuffed animals in a third.

That's kind of what a peshgeer is! It's a word that comes from the Persian language and it means "guide" or "leader". But in a historical context, it refers to someone who would organize groups of soldiers or fighters into different units based on their skills and strengths.

Think of it like dividing all your toys into groups based on which ones are the best at certain things. Maybe you put all the dolls who are good at singing in one group, and all the cars and trucks that are good at racing in another.

The peshgeer would also help the fighters learn how to work together as a team by training them and teaching them different strategies. It's kind of like a coach, but for soldiers!

So that's the ELI5 version of what a peshgeer is. It's a leader who organizes groups of fighters or soldiers based on their abilities and helps them work together to be the best they can be.