ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Pesthörnchen is a German word that means "plague squirrel". However, it's not a real squirrel! It's actually a type of pastry that comes from the city of Nuremberg in Germany.

Imagine a croissant, which is a type of bread that's made in a special way to make it flaky and crispy. A pesthörnchen is kind of like a croissant, but it's made with a different type of dough that has more sugar and butter in it. This makes it extra delicious and a little bit sweeter than a regular croissant.

To make a pesthörnchen, bakers roll out the dough into a thin sheet and then cut it into triangles. They put a little bit of filling in the center of each triangle, like marzipan or cinnamon, and then roll the dough up around the filling. The finished pastry looks like a little horn or a crescent moon.

Now, here's where the name "plague squirrel" comes in. Back in the 17th century, there was a plague epidemic in Nuremberg. People were very afraid of the disease and would often leave food and drink outside their homes as offerings to try to keep themselves safe. Legend has it that some squirrels started coming into the city to eat the offerings, and they became known as "plague squirrels". When the pesthörnchen pastry was invented, people started calling it "plague squirrel" too, because it was a tasty treat that could help lift people's spirits during a difficult time.

Today, you can find pesthörnchen in bakeries and cafes all over Nuremberg. They're a beloved local specialty and a must-try for anyone visiting the city.