ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Petroleum production in Canada

Okay, imagine you have a toy car that runs on gasoline. Petroleum is like gasoline but it's getting it from the ground instead of a gas station. Canada produces a lot of petroleum, which is kind of like the country makes a lot of toy car gas to sell to other countries.

To get petroleum in Canada, people have to dig really deep into the ground to find it. Sometimes, it's buried as deep as two Empire State buildings stacked on top of each other. That's really, really deep!

Once they find the petroleum, they use big machines to suck it up from the ground and bring it to the surface. They take the petroleum to factories where they clean it up and turn it into things like gasoline, diesel fuel, and heating oil.

Canada sells a lot of its petroleum to other countries, like the United States. People use the petroleum to run their cars, trucks, and planes. You know that big airplane you saw at the airport? It needs a lot of petroleum to fly all the way from Canada to another place in the world.

Overall, petroleum production in Canada means that the country is really good at finding and making oil, and selling it to others who need it to run their cars, planes, and other machines.