ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Philosophy of sex

Alright kiddo, so philosophy is like asking questions about really big things like the universe and why we are here. And sex is when grown-ups come together to show each other how much they love each other, and sometimes it can make babies.

So the philosophy of sex is kind of like asking questions about why we have sex and what it means. Some grown-ups believe that sex is only for making babies, while others believe that it's something that can bring two people closer together and make them happy.

But it's not just about what people do, it's also about what they believe. Some people think that certain types of sex are wrong or bad, while others think that as long as everyone is happy and safe, it doesn't matter what they do.

So people who study the philosophy of sex are trying to figure out what's right and wrong, and what's good and bad, when it comes to sex. They're also trying to understand why different people have different beliefs about sex, and how those beliefs affect them and the people around them.

Overall, the philosophy of sex is about asking big questions and trying to understand why people believe and do the things they do when it comes to sex.