ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pierre Poujade

Pierre Poujade was a man who lived a long time ago in France. He started a group of people who were unhappy with how their government was running things. They wanted things to be different and better for them.

Pierre Poujade's group of people were called "Poujadistes." They were mostly small business owners who felt like the government was not treating them fairly. They were upset that they were being taxed so much and that big companies were getting all the benefits.

Poujade and his followers wanted to change things, so they started protesting and making speeches. They wanted to be heard by the government so they could make a difference. They even went on strike and refused to pay some of their taxes.

Eventually, Poujade's ideas got more popular and a lot of people joined his group. They gained enough support to form a political party, and they started to win elections. This made the government pay attention to what they wanted.

However, some people thought that Poujadistes were too extreme and did not like how they were causing trouble. Over time, their popularity dwindled, and they eventually disappeared. But, what they did called attention to the problems small business owners were facing, and things changed because of them.