ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Piers Plowman tradition

Okay kiddo, so imagine a long time ago, in England, there was a man named William Langland who wrote a really long poem called "Piers Plowman". This poem was all about a man named Piers who worked hard as a farmer, and had lots of adventures and lessons along the way.

Now, even though this poem was written a really long time ago, people liked it so much that they kept talking about it and sharing it with their friends. And over time, other people started writing their own stories and poems that were inspired by Piers Plowman.

So the Piers Plowman tradition is all about this group of stories and poems that were inspired by that original poem by William Langland. It's like a big family of stories that all have something in common, kind of like how you and your cousins might all have the same last name and some similar traits because you're part of the same family.

People still read and study these stories today because they help us understand what life was like back then, and because they're really interesting and fun to read!