ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pioneer H

Ok kiddo, so Pioneer H is something kind of like a secret code that helps a spaceship find its way in space. It's not just any spaceship though, it's a very special one called the Pioneer spacecraft.

The Pioneer spacecraft was launched into space in the 1970s to explore and study our solar system. But it needed to be able to navigate its way through space all on its own, just like how you need to know where you're going when you ride your bike around the neighborhood.

So the smart people who built the Pioneer spacecraft came up with a very special way for it to navigate. They created a set of instructions that would help the spacecraft know where it was in space, and where it was going. This set of instructions is called Pioneer H.

Pioneer H is kind of like a map or a GPS that tells the spacecraft where it is in space and which way it needs to go. But because space is a very big and dangerous place, it needs to be incredibly precise. So Pioneer H is made up of a lot of really complicated math and science that can help the Pioneer spacecraft avoid obstacles and find its way through the emptiness of space.

And because the Pioneer spacecraft is still out there in space today, traveling further and further away from Earth, Pioneer H is still working hard to help it navigate, even after all these years. Pretty cool, huh?