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Pirated movie release types

Pirated movies are movies that are shared online illegally, meaning people are not paying for them and watching them for free. Movie release types are how pirated movies are released online. They can be released in different ways, but most commonly they are either 'CAM', 'TS' or 'SCREENER'.

'CAM' is a pirated movie recording of a movie in a cinema, usually done with a digital video camera. The sound and picture quality of these movies is usually poor.

'TS' stands for 'Telecine'. This is a pirated movie where a low-quality copy of a movie is taken off of a video tape of the film, and then converted onto a digital format.

'SCREENER' is a file of a movie that has been sent out to critics and award voters to watch. This type of pirated movie usually has the best quality, since it was sent out as part of an official release.