Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes when you get in trouble, someone might look into your school records or your medical records to see if there is any information that can help them? Well, sometimes the police want to do the same thing when they are investigating something.
When they want to look at a police officer's records, they have to follow some special rules. They have to ask the court first with something called a "Pitchess Motion." This is like asking the judge for permission to look at the police officer's special files.
The name comes from a court case a long time ago where a man named Alonzo Pitchess wanted to look at a police officer's personnel file. The court said yes, and ever since then it's been called a Pitchess Motion.
So, if the police want to look at the records of a police officer, they have to go through the Pitchess Motion process first. This helps protect the officer's privacy while also making sure the police are doing their job the right way.
Did that help you understand, kiddo?