ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pivot language

Pivot language is like a helper language that helps people who speak different languages understand each other.

Imagine you are in a group with a few friends who speak different languages like English, Spanish, and Chinese. It might be hard for them to communicate with each other since they all speak different languages. But if there's a person in the group who knows all three languages, they can act as a pivot language by translating for everyone else.

For example, if someone says something in Spanish, the pivot language can translate it into English so the person who only speaks English can understand. And if someone else says something in Chinese, the pivot language can translate it to Spanish or English so everyone else can understand too.

In the same way, pivot languages can be used in international meetings or events where people from different countries need to communicate. A pivot language helps to bridge the language barrier and makes it easier for people to understand each other.