ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Plane wave expansion

Okay kiddo, let me explain plane wave expansion in a way that's easy to understand. Imagine you have a big toy box filled with a bunch of different toys. Each toy is different, but they can all be described with a few basic characteristics, like color, size, and shape.

Now, let's say you want to know exactly what's in the toy box. Instead of looking through every single toy one by one, you can use something called a plane wave expansion.

A plane wave expansion is kind of like taking apart each toy and looking at its basic characteristics. You can use math to break down each toy into its simplest parts, which are called plane waves. Just like how each toy has a color, size, and shape, every plane wave has certain properties that describe it, like its amplitude and frequency.

Once you know what each plane wave is like, you can put them all back together to get a complete picture of what's in the toy box. Instead of looking at each individual toy, you can see how all the pieces fit together to create the whole picture.

In physics, scientists use plane wave expansions to study things like light and sound waves. These things can seem really complicated, but by breaking them down into their simplest parts using plane waves, we can understand them better and make predictions about how they'll behave in different situations.

So, the next time you're trying to figure out what's in your toy box or how light works, just think of a plane wave expansion as a way to take things apart and understand them better!
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