ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Planning Policy Statements

Okay kiddo, planning policy statements (PPS) are rules that grown-ups called planners use to make sure cities and towns are built the right way. Just like you have rules at home, like picking up your toys and not running inside, planners have rules for cities.

These rules help make sure that new buildings and roads are built in the right places, and that people have easy access to things like schools, parks, and stores. The rules also protect important things like nature and wildlife.

Planners use a lot of information to make these rules, like what the area is like now, what people need, and what might happen in the future. Every place is different, so the rules for one city might not be the same as another city.

The planners write down the rules in something called a PPS. It's like a big book that people can read to learn what the rules are before building something new. This helps make sure that everyone plays fair and follows the rules.

So, PPS are like big books of rules that help grown-ups build and design cities in the best way possible!