ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Plant arithmetic

Plant arithmetic is an easy way of adding, subtracting and multiplying plants. It can help gardeners and farmers figure out how many plants they need to grow and how much space they need for them to grow in. It works just like regular arithmetic but with plants. For example, if a gardener needs 10 tomato plants then they can use plant arithmetic to figure out how many tomato seeds they need to buy. To do this, they first need to know the rate at which their tomato plants will grow. Let's say that each tomato plant needs 2 square feet (sq ft) of space. To figure out how many tomato seeds they need to buy, we can use the equation 10 plants x 2 sq ft = 20 sq ft. So, the gardener would need to buy 20 sq ft worth of tomato seeds to get 10 tomato plants.
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