ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Playtest (Black Mirror)

Okay kiddo, have you ever played a game and thought, "Hmmm, this part is kind of boring" or "I wish they explained this better"? Well, when people make games or shows or anything really, they sometimes want to make sure it's fun and easy to understand for everyone who might watch or play it. So, they do something called a playtest.

It's kind of like a practice round or a test run where the people who made the show or game invite some other people to try it out and give their opinion. It's like when you have a drawing or a craft you made and you show it to your mom or dad or friend and ask, "What do you think?" or "Did I do a good job?"

In the episode "Playtest" of the show Black Mirror, a guy named Cooper goes to a company that makes scary video games to do a playtest. They give him a helmet and some other cool technology and he goes into this scary virtual reality world. But things start to get really intense and he starts seeing some pretty scary things.

So, playtest is just when people try out a show or game or something to make sure it's good and fun and not too scary. It's kind of like practice and getting feedback from others to make things better.