ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ply-split braiding

Ply-split braiding is a fun thing that we can do with strings or cords, to make cool things like keychains or bracelets. Here's how it works:

First, we will need two types of strings or cords, called the ply and the split. The ply is a thicker string that we will use to make our design, and the split is a thinner string that we will use to weave in and out of the ply.

Second, we will need something to hold the strings in place while we braid them. This can be a special board that has small holes in it called a plaiting board, or we can make our own board using a piece of cardboard with slits cut into it.

Third, we will need to make a starter knot. This knot will help hold our strings in place as we start braiding. There are different types of starter knots we can use, but a simple one is tying a loop with the ply string and then tucking the split string inside the loop.

Fourth, we will start braiding by twisting the ply string, which will create a gap. We will then insert the split string into the gap and pull it through, then twist the ply string again to create another gap and insert the split string again. We will keep doing this over and over again until we have braided as far as we want.

Finally, we will finish off our braid by tying another knot at the end, just like we did at the beginning. We can then cut off any extra string and admire our new creation!

So, ply-split braiding is a way to use two types of strings or cords and a special board to make cool designs in a braided style. It's like making a friendship bracelet, but with an extra twist and a special technique!