ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Poincaré conjecture

Okay, so imagine you're playing with a ball. You can squeeze the ball in different ways, right? You can make it more oblong or squishy, but no matter what you do, there's only one way to un-squish it back into a normal ball shape. That's because the shape of the ball is like a special code that can't be changed.

In math, we also talk about shapes and codes. The Poincaré Conjecture is a really tricky math puzzle that asks a very important question: can any three-dimensional shape always be turned into a sphere by stretching it and bending it, without cutting or tearing it apart?

It's like trying to turn a piece of Play-Doh into a ball without cutting or flattening it. You might need to wiggle and pinch and twist it in different ways but you should be able to get there eventually!

This question was first asked by a really smart mathematician named Henri Poincaré over 100 years ago. He thought it was true, but he couldn't prove it. Other math geniuses have been working on it ever since, and in 2006, a Russian guy named Grigori Perelman finally proved that the answer is yes - you can always turn any 3D shape into a sphere!

It took a lot of really complicated math to prove this, but the important thing is that it helps us understand how shapes work and how we can transform them. So, just like when we squish a ball and then un-squish it back into its original shape, mathematicians can now explore how different spaces in the world are connected and transformable, thanks to the Poincaré Conjecture.