ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Poincaré lemma

Imagine you have a puzzle piece that's shaped like a funny-looking cowboy hat. You also have a map of a town that has lots of streets and buildings. The puzzle piece represents a mathematical object called a differential form, while the map represents the geometry of the space where the differential form lives.

Now, you're trying to figure out if you can put the puzzle piece in such a way that it fills up a certain area of the map. This is like asking whether the differential form is "closed" or not, which means that it doesn't have any "gaps" or "holes" in it. If the puzzle piece has a gap in it, then it won't cover the whole area of the map you're interested in.

The Poincaré Lemma is a fancy way of saying that, in certain cases, you can always find a way to fill up the whole area of the map with the puzzle piece. In other words, if the differential form is closed, then it must be the boundary of some other object called a "vector field." This vector field is like a bunch of little arrows pointing in different directions, but arranged in a way that makes the differential form behave nicely.

So, if you want to make sure your cowboy hat puzzle piece covers everything on the map, you need to check if it's closed. If it is closed, then you know there's a vector field that you can use to fill in all the gaps. And that's the Poincaré Lemma!