ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pointwise product

Okay kiddo, so a pointwise product is when we take two sets of numbers and multiply them together, but not like how we normally do it. Instead, we match up each number in the first set with the same position number in the second set, and then multiply them together. So if we have set A with the numbers 1, 2, and 3, and set B with the numbers 4, 5, and 6, we would match up the first number in set A (which is 1) with the first number in set B (which is 4), and multiply them together to get 4. Then we would match up the second number in set A (which is 2) with the second number in set B (which is 5), and multiply them together to get 10. Finally, we would match up the third number in set A (which is 3) with the third number in set B (which is 6), and multiply them together to get 18. So the pointwise product of sets A and B would be a new set C with the numbers 4, 10, and 18. This can be helpful in lots of different math problems and calculations!