ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Poken is a little gadget that can help you make new friends and share your social media profiles with them easily. It looks like a little toy with a cute design and has a button on the top. When you meet someone new who also has a Poken, you can touch your Pokens' buttons together and swap digital contacts. This means that you don't have to type in all your social media handles or phone numbers. Instead, you just touch Pokens and voila, everything is shared between you two! Poken can be used at conferences, school meetings, networking events or any place where meeting new people is essential. It is easy to carry around, fits in your pocket or attaches to your backpack, so you won't lose it. Think of it as a digital handshake machine that can make it a breeze to connect with new people without the stress of sharing all contact information manually.