ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Polar Music Prize

Okay kiddo, do you know what music is? It's those sounds that we hear that make us feel happy or sad or excited, right? Well, sometimes there are people who make really special music that lots and lots of people love.

The Polar Music Prize is a prize that is given to these special people who make really great music. It's like when you do something really well, like playing a game or drawing a picture, and someone gives you a trophy or a medal.

But the Polar Music Prize is a really special prize because it's for music. It was started by some people from Sweden, which is a country in Europe, and they wanted to make sure that great music and the people who make it were recognized and appreciated.

So, every year, they have a big ceremony where they give out the Polar Music Prize to two people who have made really amazing music. They get to dress up in fancy clothes and go on stage to receive their prize. It's like their own special party!

Lots of famous musicians have won the Polar Music Prize, like Paul McCartney from the Beatles and Bob Dylan, who wrote lots of great songs. And even if you haven't heard of all the musicians who win, it's still important to appreciate the music they make, because it can make us feel all sorts of different emotions.