ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pole, Hungarian, two good friends

Okay kiddo, let me explain what "pole, Hungarian, two good friends" means.

Have you ever played a game where you and your friends hold hands in a circle and someone yells out a rhyme to help you decide who to pass objects to? Well, pole, Hungarian, two good friends is a game that is similar to that.

In this game, you divide the players into two teams, and they stand in a line facing each other, with some space in between. Then you place a stick, also called a pole, in the middle of the gap so that it is perpendicular to the ground.

Next, someone from each team places their hand on the pole, and the game leader yells out "Pole!" This is when both players try to push the pole in the direction of the opposing team.

Then, the game leader yells out "Hungarian!" That's when each player has to let go of the pole and run around the outside of their team in a counter-clockwise direction to try and get back to their spot next to their teammate.

Finally, the game leader yells out "Two Good Friends!" This is when the players have to stare into each other's eyes, and whoever laughed or blinked first loses.

The game continues alternating between the "Pole!" "Hungarian!" "Two Good Friends!" commands until one team wins by either successfully pushing the pole past the other team's line or by being the last ones standing without laughing or blinking.

So, that's a basic explanation of the game, pole, Hungarian, two good friends! Have fun playing!