ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Police aviation

Do you know how sometimes you see a helicopter flying in the sky? Well, some of those helicopters actually belong to the police! They use them to help keep us safe.

Police aviation is when the police use airplanes or helicopters to help them with their work. These special aircraft can go really fast and fly really high up in the sky. They can also hover in one spot, like a hummingbird, so the police can get a really good look at what's going on down below.

The police use these aircraft for lots of different tasks. One of the most important is to help them search for bad guys who might be hiding. When someone runs away from the police, the helicopter can follow them and keep an eye on where they're going. Then, the officers on the ground can catch them.

Another thing the police use aircraft for is to help them monitor big crowds of people. Sometimes, when lots of people get together for events like concerts or rallies, things can get messy. The police can use their helicopters to help them see what's happening down below and then quickly get to any problem areas.

Overall, police aviation is a really cool way for the police to do their job faster and more efficiently. Plus, it's fun to watch those helicopters flying around in the sky!