ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Polish–Czechoslovak confederation

Okay little kiddo, so a long time ago, Poland and Czechoslovakia were two separate countries that were really close to each other. They had a lot in common, like their language and culture, but they also had some differences too.

Some people thought that it would be a good idea for the two countries to join together and become one big country. This would mean that they could help each other out more and work together to make things better.

These people started talking about something called a "confederation". This is basically when two or more countries come together to form one big group. It's kind of like when you and your friends make a club and all agree to work together on something.

However, not everyone liked the idea of a confederation between Poland and Czechoslovakia. Some people thought that it was better for them to remain separate countries and focus on their own problems.

In the end, the idea of a confederation never really came to be. Poland and Czechoslovakia stayed as separate countries, but they still work together and have a good relationship with each other. Just like how you and your friends can still be friends even if you don't make a club together.