ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Political consulting

Political consulting is like having a coach for a grown-up game called politics. Just like how your coach helps you learn new skills and techniques in a sport, a political consultant helps people who want to run for office (like a school president or a mayor of a town) learn how to win their election.

The consultant helps by doing things like:

1. Finding out what people in the community care about most.
2. Helping the person running for office figure out what their message should be so they can convince people to vote for them.
3. Telling the person running for office what to say during speeches or debates so they make sense and sound good.
4. Figuring out who the best people to talk to are (these people are called voters) and figuring out how to reach them (like through social media or phone calls).
5. Helping the campaign (which is like a big team of people working to help the person running for office win) figure out how to raise money so they can pay for things like signs, flyers, and commercials on TV.

Political consulting is important because it helps people running for office win their election by giving them the tools they need to connect with voters and convince them to vote for them.