ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Political settlement

Okay kiddo, have you ever had an argument with your friend and then you both found a way to solve the problem and be friends again? That's kind of what a political settlement is, but instead of friends, it's groups or people who have been fighting in a big way.

Sometimes in countries, different groups or people don't agree on what's best for the country and they might fight or argue a lot. This can be very bad and hurt a lot of people. So, instead of fighting, they can try to find a way to make peace and agree on what's best for everyone. This is called a political settlement.

A political settlement means that all the different groups and people agree to certain rules and ways of doing things. It's like everyone agrees to play by the same rules so that they can work together and stop fighting. This can be really hard because each group or person might have different ideas and want different things, but they have to compromise and find a way to work together for the good of the country.

Once they have all agreed on the political settlement, they can start making changes to improve the country and make it a better place for everyone to live. It's kind of like when you and your friend agree to share toys or take turns, you can play together and have fun instead of fighting.

So, a political settlement is a way for people in a country to stop fighting and start working together to make things better for everyone. It's like finding a way to make peace and be friends again.