ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Politics of Armenia

Okay, so in a country called Armenia, they have some people who make important decisions for the whole country. Kind of like how your parents make decisions for your family, but on a really big scale!

These important people are called politicians. They work in a big building called the government, and they have meetings to talk about what they think is best for the country.

In Armenia, they have a few different groups of politicians who have different ideas about what the country should do. They each belong to a different political party. It's kind of like when you and your friends have different ideas about what game to play - some want to play tag, some want to play hide-and-seek.

The political party that has the most politicians is called the ruling party. Right now, in Armenia, the ruling party is called the Civil Contract party. They won an election, which is like a big vote where everyone in the country gets to pick which political party they like the most.

Sometimes, people in Armenia get upset with the politicians and they want to speak up about it. They might have a protest, where they march in the streets and shout about what they think is unfair. This is a way for them to show the politicians that they don't agree with what's going on.

So that's the politics of Armenia - it's all about important people making decisions for the whole country, and different groups of politicians having different ideas about what's best.