ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Polvorón is a yummy dessert treat from Spain and Latin America that looks like a little cake or a cookie but is actually made with powdered milk, flour, sugar, and butter. It's kind of like a crumbly, buttery, sweet powder that's pressed into a shape and wrapped in pretty paper. Imagine if someone made a cake out of flour and milk and sugar, and then made it super crumbly like a cookie, and then shaped it into a little round or oval shape. That's pretty much what a polvorón is! People often eat them as a sweet snack or dessert after a meal, or give them to friends and family as a gift. They can come in all different flavors, like chocolate, vanilla, or almond, and can be decorated with things like sprinkles, nuts, or even gold leaf (which is kind of like putting shiny bits of metal on your treat!).
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