ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Polygon (computer graphics)

A polygon, in computer graphics, is like a shape made out of straight lines or edges. It's kind of like connecting dots with lines. The dots are called vertices (pronounced: verz-uh-seez) and the lines in between are called edges.

For example, imagine taking a piece of paper and drawing three dots in a triangle shape. Then you connect those dots with lines and you have a polygon!

Polygons can have different numbers of edges and vertices. A triangle has three edges and three vertices, but a square has four edges and four vertices.

In computer graphics, we use polygons to make 2D and 3D shapes. We can color in the polygons to make them look like real objects, like a cube or a car.

Computers use lots of polygons to create video games, movies, and even virtual reality experiences!
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