ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Polymer science

Polymer science is all about tiny things called polymers that are used to make lots of things we use every day, like plastic bags, toys, and even clothes.

Now, you know how you make things like sandcastles or cookies by putting together lots and lots of tiny parts, right? That's sort of what polymers are like, but they’re even smaller and made up of lots and lots of the same kinds of parts, called monomers.

Think of a big bowl of fruit salad. Imagine that all the grapes were the same color and size, and so were all the apple chunks and melon pieces. That's sort of what polymers are like - lots of the same things stuck together to make something bigger and more complex.

What’s really cool about polymers is that they can have different properties and be used for all sorts of things depending on what kind of monomers they're made of, and how they're put together. So some polymers are really strong and tough, while others are stretchy, or even absorb water.

Scientists who study polymer science create new polymers by choosing different monomers and figuring out how to put them together in the right way. They also study how polymers behave - like how they melt or harden, or how they react when they're exposed to different chemicals.

By understanding more about polymers, scientists and engineers can design new materials that will make our lives easier, safer and even more fun!