ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pontida's Oath

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago in a place called Italy, there was a very important gathering of people in a small town called Pontida. The people who gathered were brave warriors from different parts of Italy, and they wanted to fight against a bad king who was not treating them fairly. They made a promise to each other to fight together against this bad king and to always be loyal to each other no matter what.

This promise was called the Pontida's Oath, and it was a very, very serious promise. They even made a special flag, called a banner, which they all swore an oath on. This banner had some special words and symbols on it that represented their promise to always fight together and never give up until they were free. They raised their hands and put their right hands on the banner and the left hand on their hearts, promising to never forget their loyalty to each other.

From then on, they were known as the League of Pontida, and they kept their promise by fighting together against the bad king. Even though they were from different places and spoke different dialects, they united to defeat their enemy. The Pontida's Oath became a symbol of their courage and unity, and it inspired others to fight for freedom too. That's why even today, the Pontida's Oath is remembered as a very important moment in Italian history, where brave people came together to fight for what was right.