ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pop (physics)

POP, which stands for Probability of Presence, is a concept in physics that helps scientists figure out the chances of finding a particle in a certain place. Imagine you have a bunch of marbles, and you want to know the chances of finding a yellow one in a jar. There might be 10 yellow marbles out of 100 total, so the probability of finding a yellow marble is 10 out of 100, or 10%.

In the same way, scientists use POP to figure out the chances of finding a particle in a certain area. The area they want to look at is divided into tiny boxes, like a grid. They then use calculations based on the laws of physics to figure out how likely it is that the particle will be in each box. The sum of all those probabilities gives the POP for the whole area.

By knowing the POP, scientists can predict where a particle is most likely to be found, which is helpful for experiments and research. It's like having a map that shows you where the yellow marbles are most likely to be in the jar.