ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Pophealth is a tool that helps doctors and health professionals take care of lots of patients all at once. Imagine a teacher who has to grade 100 papers in one night. It would be really hard for the teacher to grade each paper one at a time, right? That's just like how doctors used to take care of patients. They would see each patient one at a time and try to remember everything about them.

But with pophealth, doctors can look at patterns and facts about all of their patients at once. This makes it easier for them to see if there are any problems that lots of patients have in common. For example, they might see that many patients in a certain area have trouble with allergies. That means the doctor can create a plan to help everyone with allergies, instead of just one patient at a time.

Pophealth also helps doctors keep track of important information about their patients, such as if they are taking their medicine or if they need to get a check-up. This helps the doctor make sure their patients are healthy and happy, just like a teacher who wants all of their students to do well.