ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Popular education

Popular education is a way of teaching and learning that focuses on the needs and experiences of people in their communities. Think about when you go to school and you learn about all sorts of things like math, science, and history. In popular education, instead of just learning from books, people share their own experiences and ideas to learn together.

Imagine that you and your friends are explaining how to play a game to someone else who has never played before. You might use examples from your own experiences to help them understand the rules better. That’s the idea behind popular education. It’s learning based on your own experiences and the experiences of the people around you.

Popular education is important because it helps people to understand how their own experiences can be used to create change in their communities. For example, if people are living in an area with low access to healthy food, they could use their own knowledge and experiences to start a community garden to grow their own fruits and vegetables.

So, in popular education, people learn from each other and use their own experiences to create positive change in their communities. It is a way of teaching and learning that helps people to better understand and improve the world around them.