ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Populism in Canada

Populism in Canada means that some politicians are trying to get the attention and support of regular people by saying they will do things that are popular, even if they might not be the best thing for everyone in the long run. It's like a kid who promises to give everyone candy if they vote for them, but they don't think about how much sugar is bad for our bodies.

Populist politicians often say things like they want to lower taxes or increase government services, but they don't think about how those decisions might affect other important things like the environment or education.

It's important for us to think about these things and understand what politicians are really promising before we decide to support them. We need to ask questions and not just believe everything they say. It's like when we ask our parents lots of questions before we do something, to make sure we are making the best decision.