ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Post-click marketing

Post-click marketing is what happens after you click on a button, link, or ad on a website or social media platform.

Think about it like going to the store with your mom. You see a cool toy in the store window and ask your mom to take you inside.

Once you’re inside, the toy store is going to try and sell you on the toy you clicked on. They might show you other cool toys you might like or give you a special offer to convince you to buy.

Post-click marketing does the same thing online. After you click on an ad, the website or social media platform will try to sell you something related to what you clicked on.

For example, if you click on an ad for new shoes, the website will show you more shoes you might like or offer you a discount code to buy the shoes.

Post-click marketing is important because it helps businesses sell more products and services to people who are already interested in them. So, the next time you click on an ad, pay attention to what comes after because that’s post-click marketing at work!