ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Postal Order Society

Imagine you have a friend who lives far away and you want to send them a present or some money. But since they live so far away, you can't just give it to them in person. So, you use something called a postal order society.

A postal order society is like a special club of people who help send things through the mail. It's similar to how you give things to your teacher at school and they make sure it gets to the right person. In a postal order society, there are people who work at the post office and they help make sure your letters or packages get to the right place.

Here's how it works:

1. First, you need to go to the post office to get a postal order. It's like a little slip of paper that you buy. You can choose how much money you want to put on the postal order, like $10 or $20.

2. Next, you write the name and address of your friend on the postal order. This is important because it tells the people at the post office where to send it. You also write your name and address as the person who is sending the postal order.

3. After that, you give the postal order to the person working at the post office. They will weigh it to see how heavy it is and ask you to pay for the postage. Postage is like a special fee you have to pay to send something through the mail. The person at the post office will put a sticker on the postal order to show that you paid for the postage.

4. The person at the post office will then put your postal order in a special bag or box with lots of other mail. They will take it to a big sorting center where all the mail gets sorted. This is like when you have a puzzle with lots of different pieces and you need to put them in the right places. At the sorting center, there are special machines and people who look at the address on the postal order and put it in the right pile to be sent to the right place.

5. Finally, the postal order will go on a journey in a big truck or a plane to get to your friend's town or city. Once it arrives, the people at the post office there will look at the address on the postal order again and make sure it goes to the right house or building. They will then deliver it to your friend, and your present or money will be safely in their hands!

So, a postal order society is like a big group of people who work together to make sure your mail gets to the right place, even if it's far away. It's like a special system that helps people send things through the mail and stay connected with their friends and family who live in different places.