ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pottery of ancient Greece

Pottery is like making really fancy dishes, cups, and bowls out of clay. In Ancient Greece, they were really good at making pottery and used it for lots of things, like storing food or olive oil, drinking wine, or even using it for decorations.

One of the ways they made pottery was by spinning a wheel and molding the clay into the shape they wanted. They would then poke holes in the bottom so air could escape when they put it in the oven.

Once the clay was shaped and had holes, they would paint it with different colors and designs. Some of the designs would tell stories about the gods and goddesses of Greece. They even had special names for the types of pottery they made – like amphoras for storing liquids or kraters for mixing wine and water.

Ancient Greek pottery was important because it helped people keep their food and drink safe and fresh. But it was also beautiful to look at and help to tell the stories of their culture and mythology. Today, people still study Ancient Greek pottery to learn about their history and art.