ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Power Inquiry

Imagine you have a lot of questions in your head, and you want answers to them. Power inquiry is one way to help you find those answers.

It's like a tool that you can use to explore ideas, learn new things, and discover solutions to problems.

To use power inquiry, you need to start by asking questions. The questions can be simple or complex, and they should be focused on what you want to learn or understand.

Once you have a list of questions, you can then start to investigate and research to find the answers. This might involve reading books, watching videos, talking to people, or doing experiments.

As you find answers, you may discover even more questions, and this can lead to a deeper understanding of the topic.

Power inquiry is a powerful tool because it empowers you to take control of your learning and discover new things on your own. But remember, it's important to always ask good questions, do your research, and keep an open mind to new ideas.