ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pragyananda Mahasthavir

Pragyananda Mahasthavir is a name of a person who was a religious leader in a religion called Buddhism. He was someone who was respected by many people in the Buddhist community for his knowledge and teachings. He was like a teacher who helped people understand what Buddha taught and how to follow those teachings in their own lives.

Just like how you have a teacher in school who helps you learn new things, Pragyananda Mahasthavir helped people learn about Buddhism. He taught them how to meditate, how to be kind and compassionate to others, and how to live a good life according to Buddhist principles.

Pragyananda Mahasthavir lived a long time ago, but his teachings are still remembered and followed by many people today. They believe that by following his teachings, they can find inner peace and happiness in their lives.