ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pre-Roman peoples of the Iberian Peninsula

Long, long ago, even before the Romans came, the Iberian Peninsula was home to lots of people from different groups called the pre-Roman peoples. They lived in different parts of the peninsula and had different ways of living, but they all spoke similar languages.

One group of people was called the Iberians. They lived in the eastern part of the peninsula, around what is now Valencia and Murcia. They built strong walls and castles to protect themselves from other groups that wanted to take their land. They were experts at farming and growing olive trees, and they loved making beautiful things out of metal.

Another group of people was called the Celtiberians. They lived in the northern part of the peninsula, around what is now Madrid and Zaragoza. They were great warriors and hunters, and they loved to show off their strength and bravery in battle. They also loved making pottery and weaving colorful fabrics.

The Tartessians were another group that lived in the southern part of the peninsula, around what is now Cadiz and Seville. They were very good at trading and getting things that they didn't have from other parts of the world. They were also great sailors and fishermen.

There were many other groups of pre-Roman peoples throughout the peninsula, each with their own unique cultures and ways of living. They all had something special that made them stand out and they were all a part of the rich history of the Iberian Peninsula.