ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Predestination in Calvinism

Okay kiddo, imagine you're playing a game where you have to catch a ball. Now, imagine that your teacher already knows whether you're going to catch the ball or not, even before you've caught it. That's kind of like what predestination means in Calvinism.

Calvinism is a belief system in Christianity that says people are chosen by God to be saved or not saved, even before they're born. The idea is that God picked certain people to be saved, and they will go to heaven no matter what, while other people are not picked, and will go to hell no matter what. This is called predestination.

So, even if you try really hard to be good, and do all the right things, if you weren't one of the people God chose to be saved, then you will still go to hell. And, even if you do bad things, if you were one of the people God chose to be saved, you will still go to heaven.

Some people don't like this idea because it means that no matter what you do, you can't change whether you're going to heaven or hell. But in Calvinism, the belief is that God already knows what you're going to do, and has decided your fate before you were even born.

So, that's predestination in Calvinism, kiddo. It's like your teacher already knowing if you're going to catch the ball or not, even before you try.