ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prehistoric Korea

Hey kiddo, have you ever heard of prehistoric Korea? It's a time long, long ago when people lived in Korea, but they didn't have any of the cool stuff we have now.

Back then, people didn't have houses like you and I do. They lived in caves or tents made of animal skin. They also had to hunt for their food, which means they would have to go out and find animals to eat. It wasn't easy like just going to the grocery store.

Now, there were a few different groups of people who lived in prehistoric Korea. They were called the Neolithic, Bronze Age, and Iron Age people. These groups lived during different times and had different ways of doing things.

The Neolithic people were the first group to live in Korea. They started around 6000 BCE, which is a really long time ago. They were farmers, and they grew things like rice and beans. They also had tools made out of stone, and they would use these tools to make things like bowls and jars.

After the Neolithic people, the Bronze Age people came along. This was around 900 BCE. They were called the Bronze Age people because they learned how to make things out of bronze, which is a type of metal. They still farmed, but they also started to make things like weapons and jewelry out of bronze.

Finally, the Iron Age people came along around 1,000 BCE. They were called the Iron Age people because they learned how to make things out of iron, which is an even stronger metal. They also had chariots, which were like really cool cars that were pulled by horses.

So there you have it, kiddo. Prehistoric Korea was a time long, long ago when people lived in caves, hunted for their food, and made things out of stone, bronze, and iron. Pretty cool, huh?