Once upon a time, a very very long time ago, there was a place called Serbia. It was so long ago that nobody even remembers exactly how long ago it was! That's because we are talking about the time before people started writing things down in books.
During this time, people in Serbia didn't live in fancy houses like we do now. Instead, they lived in caves and made their homes using animal skins, sticks, and stones. They didn't have grocery stores or restaurants either. Instead, they had to hunt animals and gather berries and fruits to survive.
The people who lived in prehistoric Serbia were called the Neolithic people. They were known for their farming skills and would plant crops like wheat and barley. They were also very good at making pottery. They would use clay to make bowls, cups, and plates that they could use to cook and eat with.
These Neolithic people also believed in spiritual things. They built huge stone structures called megaliths to worship their gods and goddesses. They also had rituals and ceremonies that they believed would bring them good luck.
One of the most famous prehistoric sites in Serbia is called Lepenski Vir. It is an archaeological site that was discovered in the 1960s. Archaeologists found stone tools, statues, and pottery that had been made by the Neolithic people who lived there more than 8,000 years ago!
So, even though we don't know everything about prehistoric Serbia, we do know that the people who lived there were very clever and resourceful. They used their skills to survive and thrive in a world that was very different from ours today.