ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prehistory and protohistory of Poland

Before Poland was even a country, humans lived in the area. This time is called prehistory, which means it happened before we had written records. People would use things like stones and bones to make tools and weapons. They didn't have cars or phones like we do now, and they typically hunted and gathered food.

About 2,500 years ago, some people started to settle down and farm in what is now Poland. They started to use metals to make better tools and weapons, like sickles and knives. This time is called protohistory, which means it happened before we had written records but we can learn about it through objects and artifacts that they left behind.

Around 500 AD, some tribes in the area started to form a country called Poland. They had a leader called a prince, and slowly, over time, Poland grew and became a bigger country. It went through a lot of changes - for example, sometimes it was ruled by kings, and sometimes it was divided up and controlled by other countries.

Over the years, people in Poland developed their own language and customs, and they built churches and castles. This is just a brief overview, but it helps to give an idea of how Poland developed from prehistoric times all the way to the modern country it is today!