ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prehistory of Pampanga

Once upon a time, long long ago, there was a place called Pampanga. It was a beautiful place full of trees, mountains, and rivers. But there were no people living there yet, because this was before anyone wrote things down or kept records.

Back then, people didn't live like we do now. They didn't have houses or cars or phones. Instead, they roamed around looking for food and other things they needed to survive. They would hunt animals, gather fruits and vegetables, and make tools out of stones and sticks.

Over time, people started to settle down in Pampanga. They learned how to grow crops like rice and corn, and they raised farm animals like chickens and pigs. They built houses made out of bamboo and other materials they found in the environment.

As these communities developed, they also developed cultures and traditions. They had their own languages, food, and music. They would tell stories to each other about their ancestors and the things that happened in the past.

Eventually, these communities became more organized and started to trade with each other. They would exchange goods like pottery, textiles, and metal tools. They also developed systems of leadership and governance to help them work together.

All of this happened before anyone started writing things down, so we don't have a complete record of everything that happened in Pampanga during prehistoric times. But we can learn a lot about the people who lived there by studying the artifacts they left behind, like pottery shards and stone tools.

Today, Pampanga is a thriving province with a rich history and culture. People still tell stories about their ancestors and the early days of their communities. And we can all learn from their experiences and wisdom as we continue to build our own communities and cultures.