ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prehistory of Poland (until 966)

Long, long ago, before anyone was writing down stories or keeping records, there were people living on the land that is now called Poland. They were hunters and gatherers, which means they hunted animals for food and gathered fruits and vegetables that grew naturally. These people did not have big cities or governments like we have today, but they lived in small groups and traveled around in search of food.

As time went on, some of these groups started to grow crops instead of just gathering them. This was the beginning of farming, and it allowed people to stay in one place and build permanent homes. These early farmers also began to make pottery, which they could use to store food and water.

Around 500 BCE, there were a group of people called the Celts who lived in Poland. They were famous for their metalworking, especially their use of iron. The Celts were eventually conquered by another group of people called the Romans, who ruled much of Europe for a long time.

In the early Middle Ages, around 500-1000 CE, Poland was home to a variety of tribes and clans. These groups often fought each other for power and resources. One of the most famous leaders of this time was a man named Mieszko, who became the first ruler of the Piast dynasty. He helped to unite several of the tribes and clans under his rule.

Mieszko was also responsible for bringing Christianity to Poland. This was a big deal because most of Europe was already Christian by this time. He was baptized in 966 CE, which is considered the official beginning of the history of Poland.

Over the next few centuries, Poland continued to grow and develop as a country. There were many wars and conflicts with neighboring countries, but Poland was able to hold its own and even become a major power in Europe at times. The history of Poland is long and complicated, but it all started with small groups of people living off the land and slowly building a civilization.