ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

President (corporate title)

Imagine you and your friends are playing a game where you have to make all the important decisions about what game to play or what snack to have. In this game, one of your friends is called the "leader" or "boss" and they get to make the final decision. They are in charge and have more responsibility than the rest of you.

Now, think about a big company or organization. They have a lot of people working for them and they need someone to be in charge and make the important decisions. This person is called the "president". They are like the leader or boss in your game, but instead of just deciding on games or snacks, they make big choices that affect the whole company or organization.

The president is usually elected by a group of people who work for the company or organization, and they are responsible for making sure everything runs smoothly. They have a lot of power and responsibility, but they also have to listen to and work with other people in the company to make the best decisions for everyone. It's an important job, but it's also a big responsibility!